I have everything going for me, then why do I feel so empty ?” Is something I have heard from women ever so often.
As I look around me, I see women, whether married, single, divorced or separated – all suffering from mild degrees of depression. What amazes me is that no one cares to get counselling. The ladies carry on, thinking that it’s the way life is. And people around them (friends, partners, husbands, parents, children) carry on too, sometimes stopping to lament over the constantly cribbing ladies, but otherwise, everyone’s lives go on.
Someone is depressed – and its perfectly acceptable to the society at large - because it has become so commonplace, and it has been more-or-less the trend over the generations.
Is it acceptable for a human being to feel that she is over-worked and under-nurtured ? Is it acceptable for a person to go about the business of living, all the time wondering if anything remotely happy or stimulating would ever come their way ?
I do not blame the people around solely. Somewhere the women also are to be blamed themselves. They take life too seriously. They just HAVE to have scintillating careers (after all, they studied and studied and studied all their youth). And of course, perfectly harmonious marriages (A marriage can NOT fail, it should NOT, it HAS to work , no matter what). And please don’t forget the picture perfect little kids in osh kosh dungarees (I mean, how can life EVER be complete without those adorable, little munchkins ?).
So they plod on, sitting on their moralistic high horse, minding their own horse (and also covertly eyeing other women and THEIR horses, always comparing). Worry lines on forehead, frequent headaches, constantly aching backs.
They frown at anything that remotely resembles ‘having fun’. Anything ‘fun’ has to be looked upon suspiciously. They work hard, they care, they nurture, they nourish. Not just their families, but even their careers. There is nothing called ‘self’.
They are the responsible ones – the ones who cannot just zip, drive away for a beer with their buddies when they feel like. And if they dare to forget that rule, then disapproving glances and reprimanding, wagging fingers will convey that to them very effectively.
Very slowly, this conditioning gets seeped into women’s psyche and very gradually, women start realigning their priorities.
Five-ten years down the line - you get someone who has got over being a victim and started hunting around for someone to victimize.
So you have an unhappy person who starts believing that while no one can be as good as her, yet no one around her seems to understand her worth. While she gloats over her sacrificing, superior ways, she laments over the people she has to put up with. In her sad yet lofty mind, her husband does not care, her parents do not care, her children do not care, her neighbours hate her and her colleagues despise her. Not surprisingly, daily afternoon soaps are such a hit with women. They feed this very mentality shamelessly, unapologetically.
And the slow descent into depression starts taking place. And not anyone cares enough to put brakes on it – not even the women themselves.
The fact that you bring up this aspect is credit worthy in it self, written so wonderfully..it makes me to believe there is someone very colse, who is undergoing a trauma of sorts.
ReplyDeleteCounselling is the least they should get and as soon as possible, to overcome the anxiety of being not able to share with anyone. Counsellors help unburden you by helping you download the heaviness in your heart and then suggesting remedial passage, or solutions as a package.
I know of a few such ladies in my circle of friends who shall more than want to read this, atleast.
May I share this link on my page at FB, Suj !
Kudos to you for the Brilliant effort.
Dear Sujata
ReplyDeleteVery well written post. Looking at women here in Australia and then looking at the ones back home I see the women in India today doing no less (they are probably doing lot more) than their counterparts in Western societies. A lot of them have always had intellect and the savvy to keep up with modern thoughts and aspirations for "true" equality---the right to have fun at your own terms. Unfortunately it is still the disapproval by & large coming from every walk of life --your own home, your neighbours & your society---the moment you step out of the traditional mould of nurturer and carer & if married stepping up from the position of your hubby's door mat---that all attempts to feel happy are seen as "un"feminine & selfish.
I do see a trend towards a change but mainly in those lucky enough to move in rarefied professions and big metro lifestyles. I am glad thinkers like you are raising awareness & a voice for this need to recognize parity between gender. I do not believe that as a true challenger to world opinion we would ever be a serious contender if we keep our women discriminated against in this important domain of life.
I love your tongue in cheek look at this very serious issue & as a person actively dealing with the aftermath of this disparity in my profesion-----applaud the fairness & appropriateness of your commentry on the state of affair among women even today.
Well said!
That was quite a write up. Specially liked the inferences you made on the whole phenomenon of perceived superiority and feeling unappreciated. So many thoughts churned up inside while reading it as you made so many subtle and conspicuous observations; quite rich in content i must say.
ReplyDeleteI do feel that this is true for men as well. They go on doing their bit silently and are often never told that they are doing good/great, not from their spouse or kids (grown up kids). They are expected to fit into the mould of an unrelenting provider, like a unblinking tall tree to just stand their firm and never EVER budge.
In my opinion, the mild depression that you refer to is often caused by a monotonous routine, continuing for years together, without much to look forward to in day to day life and this must be the commonest one thing that most grown ups will identify with.
We need to feel excited, thrilled and hopeful to feel alive and those few simple things can be so hard to come by in the slow daily drfit that we just seem to inadvertently slip into in our adult lives, almost like a genetic trait that you can't get rid of...
ReplyDeleteYes, even while writing this down, I was having this feeling that this may apply to men too. Its not really fair to classify men as the ones who ''zip and drive away for beer with their buddies'' when they feel like. I see men around me giving up so much and maybe going through a similar state. However, men still have some outlets which are totally denied to women. Or so women feel. Its just deep rooted conditioning speaking here, I guess.
Monotonous routine can kill. It is a silent killer, so quiet is its modus operandi. And so effective. But again, I also feel that we also lose our will to do new things, to explore new ideas. We get too comfortable in our ruts.
Thanks a lot for your comments. Mucho honored !
God ! Sanjay ! Am I glad or what that I added you to my friends list, just on instinct. i saw some of your comments on Puja's photos and suddenly got an impulse to coonect to you. And I am really happy I did ! I guess it sometimes pays to work on your instincts and impulses :)
ReplyDeleteTongue in cheek it was because I was kind of laughing at myself here - I constantly feel the pressure of being pigeonholed and to my horror, I dont see myself resisting it sometimes. I just wanted to shake myself up a bit, and also well meaning ladies around me.
Thanks again :)
Harry ! Someone close ? How about... me !! Well, I see it happening, to me as well as several ladies around me - so just wanted to take it out of my system, and also, get thought-provoking comments from friends like you.
ReplyDeleteThanks a LOT for your support and warmth. :)
Hi Sujata,
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog through Facebook. I just loved this article. It's so truthful, simple and yet, hard hitting. I have seen this happening to women (men also) who are my friends, collegues; specially those who are married. I wonder why, Isn't marriage supposed to enrich your life and make it happier?
The root cause of this problem could be lack of self awareness. We become so much engrossed in pursuing activities that we "should be" doing rather than what we really enjoy doing. It reflects in choice of our careers, social circle etc. Results are: Lack of fulfilling/enriching hobbies, lack of "real" frinds with whom we can truly
connect. It's probably because of this; most people feel empty despite being financially and socially
After several years of such life, a fatal stage comes where people become adept at manipulating others and themselves; be extremely "smart and practiclal" but lose their inner voice, their soul!!
Keep Writing,
ReplyDeleteSo good to see you on my space !
Yes, marriage is us supposed to enrich one's life and make it happier, and so are all the things that we are all supposed to keep doing down the line. Like having kids, bringing them up, making all the ''right'' choices ! But doesnt happen this way. I think you have really summed it up so perfectly in your comments. Its because of lack of self awareness, or a forced disregard to the ''self'' that is so forced down us,and we keep toeing the line, making sure that we never step out of it.
Thank you so much. Just loved your comments :)
ReplyDeleteAn understanding spouse wl never allow a situation to reach this stage.The problem si people are so selfish and non-adjusting these days esp in a marriage relationship.Itsd all "I" and "me" ,not "us" and Im talking peopel unreasonable from both sexes.
Very intelligent article by you:))))
Happy Dusshera and have a wonderful holiday season.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you - this ''me'' attitude is filtering into every sphere of life, including marriages.
Thanks a lot for your comments. I am really, really happy to see you here.
A very happy dusshera to you too !!