Every woman is a little girl at heart – and all little girls believed in fairy tales, especially the tale of Cinderella.
Somewhere, deep within, is a fantasy in very girl’s heart that in a big, bad world, there is a prince out there who searching for her, with a beautiful crystal shoe in his hand. The shoe obviously belongs to her – and only her. It would fit only her, and no one else.
Now if one were to imagine the implications of this, it is obvious that the shoe is nothing but the choice exerted by a member of the male species to 'choose’ a member of female species. It is the kind of mind games that males play, in order to get women where they want them to be, that is, either trying very hard to please the males or out the door !
After talking all my life with women of all ages, I have come to this conclusion – women discover the harsh truth as they get on with their lives. Reality check : there may be men (who are disguised as princes) yes, they carry a beautiful shoe in their hand, yes, they wish to curtsy gallantly and make you sit on a plush couch as they delicately make you wear that shoe.
Now comes the hard knock. Brace up girls ! the shoe would most likely NOT fit you ! Guess why ? Because in real life, no man is roaming around with YOUR shoe ! Yes, I know, all men have a shoe in their hand, but its not yours – it belongs to a woman who lives entirely in their imaginations.
Its actually an image of a perfect woman which may vary from man to man.
And do you know, girl, what you are going to do ? You so want to be Cinderella, don’t you ? You will probably cover up the bad fit. Oh, you will overcompensate desperately ! The shoe may be either too big or too small for you. But you will not mind that – you so wish to belong, don’t you ? You will hobble around in a shoe that is two sizes too small for you, you will cover up the wounds that awful shoe from hell gives and smile bravely. Or you will stuff some newspaper in a shoe that is entirely too big for you, walking slowly while the others whiz past you, in an attempt to ádjust’with your man.
Guess what ! None of that works !
The world is full of ladies with different shoe sizes and God forbid if the lady with just the right shoe size walks by while you are hobbling around !
I have known princes changing Cinderellas so fast that your pretty head will spin ! And there you will go, running back, sobbing all the time, feeling like Cinderella’s ugly step sister, all messed up ! Oh, what a waste of a lovely human being that you are !
So what are your options, girls ? - Find a man with a shoe that fits you, you and only you (Fat chance, this ! Happens in the movies, not real life). - Beware of men walking towards you with a sweet smile and promises and a shoe in hand ! (Worth trying, any day !) - Swear off shoes for ever (Yes, walk barefoot ! easier said than done, actually)
Whatever you may do, remember to never, ever wear a shoe that is custom made by someone else’s mind, hoping it ‘would get better’. It never does. You don’t need a Prince who walks around with a check list – you need someone who is looking for the person that you are –and only you can be. Go ahead, send the ones who tell you what to do, straight back to where they came from. . And while you are still thinking about it, why not kick off those uncomfortable shoes and dance in the rain, all alone ?
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