Dear Me,
I know you are young and extremely eager to make it big. You are looking at that space in your life called “future’’ wondering what it has in store for you. You don’t need to wonder, because over the next twenty years you are going to build your own life, brick by brick. Nothing untoward will happen, all that will happen will be only your doing.
Will it turn out to be the way you are hoping right now ? Yes and no.
No, you are not going to get very famous by the time you are 40. Yes, one national award, a photograph in all the newspapers is what you will manage. Your five minutes of fame will happen, but they will be so fleeting that you will wonder why you invested that much thought process in it anyway.
Stop wondering what will happen to all the hot girls and guys back at school. You will find all of them at ‘facebook’. Of course, you don’t know what that’s all about. But technology will surprise you here. Yes, you will find them again, their hot factor much reduced, age catching on, looking and behaving quite like the parents that they detested when they were your age.
Warning : You may not be able to recognize the guys you had severe crushes on, but that’s alright. You will realize what a waste of time it had been to moon over them when you were young. Instead, you may wish you had recognized and appreciated yourself more back then. You will wish you had focussed on having more fun instead.
Hold on to your music and books. They will stay with you even after two decades. Yes, even the dog eared Sidney Sheldons that you are sure that you will outgrow soon. Your music will soothe you, time after time. And you will never outgrow your books. Good authors will become scarce and you will hang on to the old ones for years.
I know you are feeling that you will find many, many friends down the path. Don’t fool yourself. The handful of friends you have now will probably remain your friends all your life. As time will pass, you will find many people who will come and go, maybe fade away, but they will never bother to care for you with that intensity. Whatever friends that had to be made in your life, are already made. So value them. They will see you through sickness and health, despair and hope.
You will find love early in life and this love will stay by your side. You will learn to love the same person in many, many ways as time passes. Do not believe people when they say that love fades over time. You will discover that love is not afraid, love is adaptable and love can survive almost any onslaught.
Don’t judge your parents in a hurry – they are doing their best. You will do much worse when you will be in their role. You will look back and marvel at the kind of parents you had, because you will realize how difficult it is to give your children roots as well as wings, without fumbling, without misjudging and without making a thousand errors.
Do not bother to hero-worship role models. Your heroes will suddenly develop feet of clay. The people you once looked upto will suddenly start looking hollow and pretentious. You will find yourself alone many times, with no guiding light except your own intuition and instincts to guide you. So go ahead, have faith in yourself.
You are not as vulnerable as you feel just now. And not as sensitive either. You will surprise yourself and others around you when you will display nerves of steel in adversity. You will fall many times, unexpectedly. Life will throw unpleasant surprises at you from time to time. But you will cope. You will make it. You have made it. See, here you are, after two decades, looking back with satisfaction. And that’s all that matters.
Hindsight is always 6x6. It is the unknown and uncertain that adds to thrill of life. Interesting thoughts and flashback concept but I had rather like to read d bubbly 20 yr old's world view of future than a mature 40s tactical wisdom reflecting d past ;-)
ReplyDeleteThis was influenced by ''Dear Me'' - a series fo letter by celebrities to their 16 year old selves :) Looking back can be as thrilling as looking forward, methinks - both are done with a sense of wonder !!
The dear me collection was quite hard hitting almost grim recollection of retrospective events from prospective view point----refreshing when they first came into vogue----but then got almost predictable---yours is interesting as it reflects a strongly Indian version of the same. The romantic in me feels thrilled to see the wonderful views on marriage, growing up & old friends--but the realist (kya karen psychiatry se majboor hain!) in me wonders about "denial" or "repression" in this narrative. Truly wish that life for you is exactly as you have written & you haven't written it for the sake of writing! Very well written irrepective
ReplyDeleteSanjay Sinha
ReplyDeleteDenial / Repression ? Yes of course there may be some of that too. I cant really claim to be above it. But surely I can claim that my life is exactly as it is projected in this letter. However I have been known to indulge in escapism since I was a child, though I am getting better at facing reality nowadays - because i have realized that reality does not bite, it is nothing to be feared :) Thanks !!
Your letter is beautiful.But i think you are wrong about the inability to make friends at 40!I think it is posssible to make very good friends at any age.
ReplyDeleteMurphydoc, fingers crossed, I hope I find lots of true, caring, loving friends soon :)
ReplyDeleteFrom your writings it seems like you are very good friend material.You already are my Fb friend and if I was in Delhi I would love to befriend you at this age:)
ReplyDeleteMurphydoc, Have been wondering who you are. Now I have 2 clues : FB friend and Not in Delhi. :) Lets start from here ! Thanks a lot ! :)