Monday, December 28, 2009

Twilight zone

So I waited for twilight to set in.

The sky was overcast and so I did not realize when the sun set. I stood outside in the rain… the raindrops soaking through my skin, falling over my eyelashes and tracing my cheeks. I outstretched my arms and welcomed the dark, gleaming raindrops to make me one with them.

I looked into the horizon and saw no fireflies or butterflies.

But this is what I saw…

I saw the hard jagged terrain of my real life outlined against the midnight blue sky. It was monochromed and uniform in color. It hid amidst its folds many crevasses which had held my disappointments, my fears and my angst. Yet it stood proud against the forces of nature, rock solid with a strong base.

Above my rocky real life I saw rainbow colored clouds of dreams, floating enticingly. They looked fluffy and soft, yet when I tried to touch them, they dodged my fingers and flew around. I ran around trying to force them to stay, but they danced a dizzy, deceitful dance around me before getting out of reach, yet they refused to go away and hung around, casting a shadow over my earth.

I saw those devious clouds of dreams crashing against the hard surface of my reality. I saw lightening and thunder as my two worlds fought a battle which made the whole universe explode into a million stars.

After a while I saw that the cloud of those dreams had disappeared. The horizon was clear – the only sight was the upright rockline of my reality.

It whispered to me ‘I may not be as beautiful as your imagination, I may test your patience and your will power at times, I may make your trip uphill and difficult at times. But I am yours. I used to be beautiful like your dreams at one time, but I shed my elusive nature and now I have crystallized into this hard rock to give you support. I exist – only for you.’

The midnight blue sky had darkened. It was the darkest hour before the dawn. In just a few more minutes, the sky would lighten up to the morning for which I had been waiting for all my life.

I searched for a shady spot amongst the rocks of reality and went to sleep. It was the most peaceful sleep I had had in months.

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